4th Annual National Youth Week 2018 a Success
Vision 2048: Charting the Way Forward for Youth Development was a fitting theme for this year’s National Youth Week. Youth week activities began on Monday 24th September and ended on Saturday 6th October, 2018 with the National Youth Awards.
Once again the team at the Department of Youth and Culture working alongside youth groups and other partners planned and executed an amazing youth week. The events during the week were extensive and inclusive as seen from the calendar of events below.

National Youth Week 2018
National Conference for Youth Development
My favorite events were the discussions at the National Conference for Youth Development and Open Mic. These sessions were both lively and interactive and the participants were highly engaged. The topics discussed were relevant for all of us as we seek to create a sustainable future for Anguilla’s youth. We do not lack passion among youth and by working together many of the goals discussed can be achieved.

Participants at National Conference

Participants at National Youth conference
National Youth Awards
The National Youth Awards are the highlight of Youth Week for all involved. The names of the 2018 Finalists for the National Youth Awards were released a few days prior to the event and heightened anticipation for the event. Let us applaud all the finalists listed and shown below for their contributions to youth development.

Youth Awards Finalist 2018

Finalist and Winners National Youth Awards with Minister of Youth Affairs
The Teacher’s Resource Centre was buzzing with activity and excitement on October 6th as persons gathered for the Award Ceremony which was beautifully chaired by Conlloyd Gumbs and Riana Richardson.

Riana Richardson and Conlloyd Gumbs Hosts of National Youth Awards Ceremony
Excitement was high as the achievements of each of the nominees were highlighted. As the winner for each category was selected, tremendous support and encouragement were given to the winners by those present. Truly we all win when we support each other. Congratulations to the 2018 winners who are shown below.

Winners National Youth Awards

Florence Guishard- Winner of Entrepreneurship Award with Minister of Youth Affairs.

Winners – National Youth Awards 2018
This year, the Department of Youth and Culture also partnered with Just Imagine Events to present the “Fan Favorite Award”. An online poll was used to facilitate voting for this new award. The beautiful décor at the event was also created and executed by Just Imagine Events.
The National Youth Awards is an exciting night to officially recognise Youth and Friends of Youth who are making a difference and creating positive change in our society. The Award Ceremony is held annually so if you missed nominations this year do nominate a youth, group or friend of youth for next year’s award ceremony.
For More Pictures and Videos
For additional pictures and Facebook Live videos from the National Youth Conference, Open Mic, the National Youth Awards and other events held during the week, visit DYC’s Facebook page here.
For further information on the National Youth Week and Awards, please contact the Department at 264-498-3792 or via email at [email protected].

Thank You from DYC